Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ipod Touch Downloads (Where to find them!)

There are many sites that offer Ipod Downloads, but are there any legit sites out there that have great customer service, coupled with amazing downloads? I went on a personal journey to find out for myself. The outcome of my search for the perfect download site was kinda disappointing in one aspect, but very enlightening in another.

First I searched for a good download site, and I was definitely overwhelmed with the thousands of sites that came up. "I have an Ipod Touch, and would just like to find some good content for a fair price!" ran through my mind! There were some that seemed promising, but after trying to contact the sites for customer support to find out more, I became very upset. Not only did they not answer my emails, but the support numbers given were manned by answering machines, instead of the technical experts I had hoped to talk with. Not all was bad though. Some had great customer support, but very poor content. The loading times were horrendous! I also checked out some free download sites, but their content was inferior to say the least.

After all that searching, I found my shinning star. I decided to do a search some articles online. I found several relating to the subjects, and checked them all out. One article in particular jumped out at me. It is located here if you'd like to read it for yourself.

This article is very informative, and gave me the info I needed to make a good decision. As I searched I also found this ad for the same product.

I couldn't resist, and I couldn't be happier today.

If you'd like additional information you can visit their site directly here.